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Returning to Work



Decide if you’d like to return to the career you left, or if you want to start in a new direction.

There are many reasons you may choose to leave the field you previously worked in: your interests may have changed, you may have found new skills and strengths you’d like to apply in the work world, the industry you left have may have changed, or your old job may not be compatible with family life (long or unusual hours, frequent travel, etc.).

Whether you’re looking for a change in your career or hoping to return to the same job, it’s important to spend time researching industry changes and trends, possibly taking online classes, and reading professional articles to get you up to speed. If you can afford it, consider temporary or part-time employment while you get your feet wet as an employed parent and as you fill out your resume.

When considering which career direction to pursue, see if one path offers options for telecommuting, flexible schedule in-office work, or freelancing as these may offer you the perfect mix of full-time employment and schedule flexibility.

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